On the Move, the global network that promotes and supports the circulation of artists and culture professionals worldwide, organises its annual Forum each year in a different country involving comprehensive work with diverse teams and cultural backgrounds. The event has an impact on the local economy of the hosting cities, as it brings together many cultural experts, policy makers, and entrepreneurs from the likes of music, performing arts to even museums and heritage. My work not only involves creating the marketing comms strategy, but also coordinating with the local partners what can be done and achieved. On the Move is co-funded by the EU Commission.

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Pro Weekend Fest

It has been a very rewarding project. Assuming the management of Pro Weekend Fest’s Conference in Castellón, Spain, by the Mediterranean coast within Valencia’s region.

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Gig Life Pro

Gig Life Pro’s first-ever launch in Europe and the UK took place in London in Spring 2024 at Tileyard Education through a wonderful meet &

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Rambert Plus

Leading the CRM of Rambert’s online dance platform and working closely on a paid acquisition campaign on Meta and Google, the goal is to increase

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